I made it fairly clear in my blogging that I was not a huge fan of Mines of Moria, partly due to burnout and partly also to the winter blues that I often suffer from.
But that was a little unfair to Moria as it is a fantastic achievement in terms of the scale and variety of the environments, even if they are all underground and in the dark.
I reached the end game a few weeks back having thoroughly enjoyed questing through lovely Lorien and Book 7 (which asks you to return to Moria). To me the 'end game' does not mean you have reached maximum level, that almost seems irrelevant to me.
No, the 'end game' to me means you have explored all the solo questing areas and epic chain to your satisfaction and have only the high end instances that offer high end gear left to challenge.
I have to say I am enjoying the end-game for the moment and although I cannot see my enjoyment lasting for much longer, it is just as well then that Book 8 is due to be released imminently for more epic story thrills.
But that was a little unfair to Moria as it is a fantastic achievement in terms of the scale and variety of the environments, even if they are all underground and in the dark.
I reached the end game a few weeks back having thoroughly enjoyed questing through lovely Lorien and Book 7 (which asks you to return to Moria). To me the 'end game' does not mean you have reached maximum level, that almost seems irrelevant to me.
No, the 'end game' to me means you have explored all the solo questing areas and epic chain to your satisfaction and have only the high end instances that offer high end gear left to challenge.
I have to say I am enjoying the end-game for the moment and although I cannot see my enjoyment lasting for much longer, it is just as well then that Book 8 is due to be released imminently for more epic story thrills.
Book 8 will reveal some nasty bosses in Waterworks
I am done with solo questing pretty much. I skipped a lot of the Moria solo quests, particularly in Flaming Deeps and Redhorn Lodes while I was chasing the epic chain but I still have no desire to return to them.
To me nowadays standard solo questing is grinding. The stories are not enough to want me to do solo quests just because they are there. The only solo quests I like to do are the epic chain.I get much more enjoyment from doing the instances with friends and getting a chance at the rewards that they bring (however slim). Although I think I am done with Grand stair now I have utterly completed it (got the radiance piece). If an instance (or turtle raid for a shot at a First-Age weapon) is unavailable I prefer to work on my traits these days, as stat improvements are a bigger pull for me than formulaic text based stories.
Once I have completed Book 8 (due very soon) I may take a break from LOTRO so I can enjoy some other games before the next new area is released.