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Wednesday, 22 April 2009

LOTRO : Level 60 reached

I had a lot of fun playing LOTRO the other night. I met up with a couple of friends and tackled the two 3-man instances of Eregion : the Library and School of Tham Mirdain.

They are quite difficult runs when you consider they are meant for level 52/53, but with the group I was with (myself a 59 Champ, 57 hunter and 53 Minstrel) the difficulty seemed just right. Knowing that I would have to tank, I made the mistake of forgetting to bring a one handed weapon (so I could equip my shield). Swinging around my legendary two handed axe I was taking quite a bit of damage to begin with, the Minstrel trying to heal me as fast as he could. Fortunately I found a one handed weapon en-route, a weak level 52 one, but it would let me equip my shield.

Shield equipped I could tank much more effectively using Glory to attract as much threat as possible. We did struggle a few times with some of the bosses, but the challenge was just high enough to enjoy ourselves without getting frustrated. Both instances are nice and short too, we managed both of them in less than two hours despite wiping a few times.

Then when cashing the quests in I dinged level 60 and was able to finally equip all the lvl 60 gear I had been lugging around with me for the last couple of levels!

I have been enjoying LOTRO now for five weeks since my passion for it was rekindled on hearing about the Lorien content. I am not sure how long this run will last though. I still have a few quests to do in Lorien and I suppose I have a few instances in Moria I have not ventured into yet, although I have no interest in chasing the radiance pieces (4-6 runs of each instance for each piece - no thanks) or indeed any Moria quests for that matter. The Etten moors (PvP) is always another source of entertainment if things look bleak, either playing as my Champ or with my recently rolled Warg.

I suspect there is enough to keep me going until Book 8. My money is on Dol-Goldur for Book 8 by the way, unless Book 7 is very tricksy ;)

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