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Monday, 21 June 2010

E3 2010 Microsoft Kinect - Nintendo 3DS - Sony Move

So E3 2010 is now over and while the dust settles we can reflect on what is the most important thing in the games industry - decent games.

Microsoft, the seemingly professional E3 talkers, gave a great presser. Hell, they even ended it giving a free 360 slim to all the Journos that were in the room. Classy.

But was there much gaming content in there? Not really, as much of the focus was on Kinect (formerly Project Natal) and while the camera device does seem technically impressive, the jury is still out on wether Kinect can make a dent in the Wii/Casual/moving-about market or indeed make any fun games for it.

Kinect Starwars looks fun, but it could play terribly, we will see...

The rest was business as usual really, timed exclusive for Call of Duty, the usual Halo stuff, and something about free ESPN (great if you are American).

Nintendo skipped all the hyporama and presented their new 3DS, a more powerful portable machine that can also display in 3D without the need for glasses. Because of the level of power being offered, all sorts of games harking back to the N64 days including Pilotwings were being showcased. Games for gamers then.

Sony limped in with a dreadfully dull presser with over-long demonstrations of their entry into said Wii/Casual/moving-about market, Move. Which looks rediculous and does not seem to offer anything that the Wii cannot do. Worse the price tag is looking like $130 for the full kit, I just can't see that working out.

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