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Monday, 30 May 2011

Submit Game Article - a Brand New Gaming Article Directory

Hi Guys,

I have not posted anything for ages as I have been busy with that other thing called 'life' and all sorts of other stuff I won't bore you with right now.

Except one thing.

Last Autumn I launched a new article directory dedicated to our wonderful passion of Gaming over at http://SubmitGameArticle.com .

Cleverly titled Submit Game Article. (Gotta love all that SEO-Keyword stuff right?)

Anyhow, it was a long hard slog (it still is) with every Internet Marketer in the world wanting to publish everything from Illnesses to DIY. Being a gaming site I currently accept around 5% of all article submissions which I get tons of daily.

Yup, SGA is starting to pick up speed so if you have any good quality articles you want publishing ABOUT GAMING ;)  please submit it over at http://SubmitGameArticle.com .



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